As the Christian right bankrolls the legislation of transphobia across the continent, We Quit Theatre launches an attack on christo-fascism’s most precious document: the Holy Bible itself. Drawing inspiration from the psychedelic visions of medieval mystics, the queer literary legacies of Bataille, Genet, and Dennis Cooper, and transsexual traditions of reinventing of the sexed body by any means necessary, Dasha and Gislina improvise erotica based on Bible passages they have secretly selected for each other, all while hijacking choral sacred music with synthesizers, live tape loops, and divine inspiration. As cassette tapes, half-remembered religious texts, and storytelling logic derail and degrade again and again, We Quit Theatre draws you into the occult unconscious of North American fascism where memory becomes fantasy, time becomes sex, and the Word becomes Flesh. Lit only by candlelight, Passion Play sets fire to church and state and—risking public exposure, humiliation, and indecency!—leaps into the flames. For the religiously traumatized, sacrilege junkies, noise music enthusiasts, fans of awkward improv, and evil perverts. All ye who are weary, cum.
60-90 minutes / available for touring / ideal for music festivals and literary events
2024 – live performance at Rainbow Trout Music Festival
2024 – live performance at Buddies in Bad Times
2022 – release of limited edition hand-bound and -printed art book, featuring transcribed improvised storytelling with original linocuts.